Fantasia's New Album
Saturday, December 09, 2006

Now I am a big fan of Fannie (ROFL say THAT 5 times fast -- and get your mind out of the gutter!).
But, so far, the first half of the album has some decent cuts. I love "When I See U". But she has a track titled "Uneligible."
*scratches head*
After running to take a quick peek at, there is not really such a word as uneligible. INeligible, yes. But, un? No. You have to check the abridged version of the dictionary...which, basically means, that it is not a word that anyone uses...
Did she learn how to read yet? Just asking.*
Some highlights fam:
- "Hood Boi", which is the chickenhead anthem of 4th Quarter, 2K6 (gon' head pretty nigga!! LOL, dead.)
- "I Nominate You", which basically a new way of saying "You're the bomb boy, I lovessssss you". Fannie keeps it hood, and I don't know what her man is nominated for...but that's kinda wack, because I wonder if there are OTHER nominees as well? LOL
- "Only One U", which is a pretty decent midtempo track...
- "I'm Not That Type", if you want some funky bass rhythms and pitter patter evolves into a big hook sounds like a Missy track.
- "Surround U", which has some nice piano work, feels old school. Swizz Beats Da Monsta ya'll!
Am I gonna buy this on Tuesday? Hmmm...not sure yet. If she had live versions of these songs, a resounding YES. Because she KILLED "Hood Boy" on Leno -- this was an awesome performance.
Check it out...leave some comments...
- That One
* I am pretty sure she ain't write the song -- but didn't Clive catch this? Someone? Anyone? Where is Mavis Beacon or Webster when you need them!!
posted by That One at 2:45 AM
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